Certified Advanced Program in Genomics and Proteomics
The program aims at providing to students a best in class finishing school that would help them enhance employability and offer a pedestal to reach out to the industry.
Aristogene Biosciences is known in the industry for most authentic and practical training in the field of Biosciences. It has a well equipped 8000 sq.ft lab with the required infrastructure to support Research & Training activities. Aristogene also has an
independent R & D and process development wing, which is involved in the development of many products.
BioXseed is the Life Sciences wing of 64 Squares Consulting, a leading HR Services company with various top notch clients.
Course Content:
- Tools in Genetic Engineering & Microbiology- Pure culture techniques, Working with phages, Cloning fundamentals, PCR
- Cloning & Expression of Gene and Bioinformatics -Know how of complete cloning process, Important Bioinformatics tools, Knowledge ofvector host systems, DNA manipulation techniques, Expression and analysis of clones
- Immunotechnology- Immunoprecipitaion and Agglutination techniques, Use of immunotechniques in diagnosis, ELISA, Blotting techniques
- Protein Purification Techniques-Various chromatography techniques, Protein analysis by SDS-PAGE and western blotting, Enzymology.
- Polymerase chain reaction & Hybridization techniques-A strong foundation for PCR based experiments - Gene amplification, RAPD analysis and related experiments, PCR - RFLP and related experiments, Southern hybridization.
- Tools and techniques for success at workplace - Acquire the skills required for your all-round effectiveness like
o Understanding corporate environment,
o Getting your strengths noticed,
o Creative problem solving skills
o Business Etiquettes and personal grooming and the like.
Faculty for the Program:
- Sudha with 19 years of experience specializing in Protein and nucleic acid purification, process improvement, product development, Phages, Plasmids, Restriction enzymes, and recombinant technology, and cancer cell biology.
- Vasudha with 20 years of experience specializing in Cloning and Expression of restriction and modifying enzymes
- Dr CR Subhashini with 15 years of experience specializing in Molecular Diagnostics & Immunology.
- Ruskinn D with 11 years of experience specializing in Microbiology, Manufacturing & Instrumentation.
- Shuchi Shukla with 9 years Corporate HR experience in high-end niche technology sectors.
- Visiting Faculty from Industry.
Unique Features of this Advanced Program in Genomics and Proteomics:
- Unique opportunity to enhance employability.
- Advanced course that matches industry requirements with contents generally not covered in regular courses at college.
- Student-Industry-Academia Interface. Industry Leaders will be invited to share real life experience with students.
- A strong emphasis on hands-on laboratory training.
- Training under the guidance of scientists with more than two decades of industry experience.
- Proven track record in Industry Integration Program.
- Limited enrollments with an individualized industrial learning environment.
- Counseling services to students.
- Curriculum and experienced speakers carefully selected to emphasize practical approaches.
- Special Placement assistance program including Resume writing, Interview tips, Mock Interviews etc
Key Dates for the Program:
Travel & accommodation assistance can be provided for outstation students.
For more information Please fill out this Contact form or email at info@bioxseedindia.com ; shuchi@64sqs.com ; lifesc@64sqs.com Or
Call at +91-9845215711 (Bangalore)/ +91-9953100729 (Delhi).
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