Most of the environmental concerns faced by the developed countries following industrial revolution and resultant economic boom and consumerism in the past are now spreading to the developing countries as well. Among the scourges faced by mankind today, environmental pollution is in the forefront. In the greater part of the last century, it was the fast pace of industrialization, galloping demand for energy and reckless exploitation of natural resources, in developed countries, that were mainly responsible for creating the problem of environmental pollution.
Disciplines of Conference
1. Bioindication & Bioremediation
2. Environment & Biotechnology
3. Environmental education, Mass awareness and Legislation
4. Environmental Impact Assessment and Eco-auditing
5. Environment and Biodiversity
6. Plant Responses to Environmental Pollution
7. Climate change - Plant productivity and food Security
8. Contemporary environmental issues;
Environmental impact on cultural heritage
Environmental systems and Disaster management
Indoor pollutants
Sustainable agriculture
Human settlements
Abstract of Paper:
The Abstract not exceeding one A-4 page is to be typed in “Times New Roman” 12 pt normal font, single line spacing and should include:
Title of Paper in BLOCK letter
Name of author(s) in italics with an asterisk (*) marked against the name of the presenting author,
5 to 6 key words
Main body
Author(s)’ primary institutional affiliations using superscript numerals including full address of all the authors (s) up to town and country and their E-mail IDs.
Last date for submission of abstract is 31st July 2010.
Registration Details
Students - Rs. 1500/-
Accompanying Person - Rs.1500/-
Member ISEB - Rs.2500/-
Non Member - Rs. 3000/-
Registration Form
Lucknow has several 3-5 star hotels of international standards as well as many good economy/budget hotels. Delegates may arrange their own accommodation.
All correspondence should be addressed to;
The Organizing Secretaries (ICPEP-4),
International Society of Environmental Botanists
National Botanical Research Institute
Rana Pratap Marg
Lucknow-226001, India.
E.mail - /
Ph Nos - +91-522-2297821 (Direct) +91-522-2205831 to 2205835 (PBX) Extn. 821
1. Bioindication & Bioremediation
2. Environment & Biotechnology
3. Environmental education, Mass awareness and Legislation
4. Environmental Impact Assessment and Eco-auditing
5. Environment and Biodiversity
6. Plant Responses to Environmental Pollution
7. Climate change - Plant productivity and food Security
8. Contemporary environmental issues;
Environmental impact on cultural heritage
Environmental systems and Disaster management
Indoor pollutants
Sustainable agriculture
Human settlements
The Abstract not exceeding one A-4 page is to be typed in “Times New Roman” 12 pt normal font, single line spacing and should include:
Title of Paper in BLOCK letter
Name of author(s) in italics with an asterisk (*) marked against the name of the presenting author,
5 to 6 key words
Main body
Author(s)’ primary institutional affiliations using superscript numerals including full address of all the authors (s) up to town and country and their E-mail IDs.
Last date for submission of abstract is 31st July 2010.
Students - Rs. 1500/-
Accompanying Person - Rs.1500/-
Member ISEB - Rs.2500/-
Non Member - Rs. 3000/-
Registration Form
Lucknow has several 3-5 star hotels of international standards as well as many good economy/budget hotels. Delegates may arrange their own accommodation.
All correspondence should be addressed to;
The Organizing Secretaries (ICPEP-4),
International Society of Environmental Botanists
National Botanical Research Institute
Rana Pratap Marg
Lucknow-226001, India.
E.mail - /
Ph Nos - +91-522-2297821 (Direct) +91-522-2205831 to 2205835 (PBX) Extn. 821

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