Andrew has a blog, and a company with a presence on the web (where the slides are hosted), and he's on Stack Overflow as dalke.
Thanks, Andrew.

Welcome to my website . This website is built up to address queries from students and upcoming professionals in the field of life sciences. Although the website projects itself as a bioinformatics portal and most of the discussion revolves around bioinfo and biotech we would like to refer as life sciences.Plz Share Ur Comments about this Blog, So that it can b customized as per ur needs...Thank u
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Andrew Dalke's Slides for Introduction to Python
Biocon is an integrated biotechnology enterprise focused on the development of biopharmaceuticals. With successful initiatives in drug discovery and development, bioprocessing and global marketing, we deliver products and solutions to partners and customers in over 50 countries. We are confident that we have the defining science, world class capabilities and a focused vision to deliver the promise of new medicine to a waiting world. Today, Biocon together with group companies employs more than 2500 employees with approxmimately Rs 1,000 crore turnover and is expected to grow further during the current financial year.
Position: Scientist
Qualification: B.Tech/B.E. - Bio-Chemistry/Bio-Technology / M.Sc - Any Specialization,M.Tech - Any Specialization, Bio-Chemistry/Bio-Technology
Job Description
1) Process development and optimization for biopharmaceutical proteins produced using mammalian cells.
2) Work will include optimizing media, nutrients and process conditions for improving cell growth, productivity and quality of proteins expressed using flasks, lab bioreactors and analytical equipments like HPLCs
3) Scale-up of the processes from lab to pilot and manufacturing scale.
4) Coordinating activities between various groups of R&D, Quality and manufacturing
1) Excellent consistent academic performance and in depth theoretical knowledge of fundamentals in the subject.
2) Good analytical skills and troubleshooting ability
Interested Candidates can send their application to
B.Tech/M.Sc/M.Tech's can apply for Scientist Post @ Biocon, Bangalore
Applications are invited for the post of Walk-In-Interview for the following posts under the National Fisheries Development Board funded project named " Quality seed production and stock up gradation of carps through use of cryopreservation technology in the selected hatcheries of India ”
Position: Junior Research Fellow
Qualification: M.Sc Biotechnology
Desirable: 1 year work experience.
Age limit: 30 years for men and 35 years for women as on the date of interview. Relaxation will be applicable to the SC/ST/OBC and PH candidates as per rule.
Date Of Interview: 15. Jan. 2010(Saturday) at 1100 Hrs. at CIFA, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar. Candidates are requested to report by 1000 Hrs. for verification etc.
Salary: Rs.10, 000/-
Position: Field Assistant
Qualification: B.Sc Biotechnology
Desirable: 1 year work experience.
Age limit: 30 years for men and 35 years for women as on the date of interview. Relaxation will be applicable to the SC/ST/OBC and PH candidates as per rule.
Date Of Interview: 16. Jan. 2010 (Saturday) at 1100 Hrs. at CIFA, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar. Candidates are requested to report by 1000 Hrs. for verification etc.
Salary: Rs.6,000/-
Interested candidates should bring 5 sets of Bio-data along with two passport size photographs and one set of attested copies of all the certificates/mark-sheets/experience certificate. The proof of age to be produced at the time of interview. Original Certificates may be produced for verification. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. The interested candidates may visit in our website: for details
Multiple Posts vacant at CIFA, Orissa | B.Sc/M.Sc's can walk in for interview
Bioeconomy: A Introduction
What Is the HapMap?
The program aims at providing to students a best in class finishing school that would help them enhance employability and offer a pedestal to reach out to the industry.
Aristogene Biosciences is known in the industry for most authentic and practical training in the field of Biosciences. It has a well equipped 8000 sq.ft lab with the required infrastructure to support Research & Training activities. Aristogene also has an
independent R & D and process development wing, which is involved in the development of many products.
BioXseed is the Life Sciences wing of 64 Squares Consulting, a leading HR Services company with various top notch clients.
o Understanding corporate environment,
o Getting your strengths noticed,
o Creative problem solving skills
o Business Etiquettes and personal grooming and the like.
Travel & accommodation assistance can be provided for outstation students.
For more information Please fill out this Contact form or email at ; ; Or
Call at +91-9845215711 (Bangalore)/ +91-9953100729 (Delhi).
BioXseed India Launches Biotech Finishing School
A low-cost diagnostic tool kit that can detect the swine flu virus in just five minutes is being developed by the Indian Council for Medical Research, a top official has said
The tool based on polynial chain reaction method is a simple kit to detect the virus that has so far claimed over 700 lives across the country. It will be released in a month or two, Deputy Director General of ICMR M Rajamani said here.
"It is a simple kit and can detect the virus in five minutes. It can be sent to villages for spot tests also," he told reporters yesterday.
The price would range from Rs 1,800 to Rs 2,000 while the existing imported ones cost Rs 7,000, Rajamani, who was here to participate in a conference of Medical Anthropology, said.
ICMR to launch low-cost swine flu diagnostic kit
Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. With approximately 177,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, the company generated net revenues of US$21.58 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2009. Its home page is
Position: Clinical data manager
Qualification:B.Tech/M.Sc/M.Tech Life Science graduates with 3 to 7 years experience in Clinical data management.
Interested Candidates can send their resume to
Join Accenture as a Clinical Data Manager | UG/PG's can send E - Resume
Most of the environmental concerns faced by the developed countries following industrial revolution and resultant economic boom and consumerism in the past are now spreading to the developing countries as well. Among the scourges faced by mankind today, environmental pollution is in the forefront. In the greater part of the last century, it was the fast pace of industrialization, galloping demand for energy and reckless exploitation of natural resources, in developed countries, that were mainly responsible for creating the problem of environmental pollution.
Disciplines of Conference
1. Bioindication & Bioremediation
2. Environment & Biotechnology
3. Environmental education, Mass awareness and Legislation
4. Environmental Impact Assessment and Eco-auditing
5. Environment and Biodiversity
6. Plant Responses to Environmental Pollution
7. Climate change - Plant productivity and food Security
8. Contemporary environmental issues;
Environmental impact on cultural heritage
Environmental systems and Disaster management
Indoor pollutants
Sustainable agriculture
Human settlements
Abstract of Paper:
The Abstract not exceeding one A-4 page is to be typed in “Times New Roman” 12 pt normal font, single line spacing and should include:
Title of Paper in BLOCK letter
Name of author(s) in italics with an asterisk (*) marked against the name of the presenting author,
5 to 6 key words
Main body
Author(s)’ primary institutional affiliations using superscript numerals including full address of all the authors (s) up to town and country and their E-mail IDs.
Last date for submission of abstract is 31st July 2010.
Registration Details
Students - Rs. 1500/-
Accompanying Person - Rs.1500/-
Member ISEB - Rs.2500/-
Non Member - Rs. 3000/-
Registration Form
Lucknow has several 3-5 star hotels of international standards as well as many good economy/budget hotels. Delegates may arrange their own accommodation.
All correspondence should be addressed to;
The Organizing Secretaries (ICPEP-4),
International Society of Environmental Botanists
National Botanical Research Institute
Rana Pratap Marg
Lucknow-226001, India.
E.mail - /
Ph Nos - +91-522-2297821 (Direct) +91-522-2205831 to 2205835 (PBX) Extn. 821
Attend and Present Your Research Work @ ICPEP - 4 held at NBRI, Lucknow
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