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How do I make a Sequence from a String or make a Sequence Object back into a String?
A lot of the time we see sequence represented as a String of characters eg "atgccgtggcatcgaggcatatagc". It's a convenient method for viewing and succinctly representing a more complex biological polymer. BioRuby makes use of a Ruby's String class to represent these biological polymers as Objects. Unlike BioJava's SymbolList, BioRuby's Bio::Sequence inherits String and provide extra methods for the sequence manipulation. We don't have a container class like a BioJava's Sequence class, to store things like the name of the sequence and any features it might have, you can think of to use other container classes such as a Bio::FastaFormat, Bio::GFF, Bio::Features etc. for now (We have a plan to prepare a general container class for this to be compatible with a Sequence class in other Open Bio* projects).
Bio::Sequence class has same capability as a Ruby's String class, it is simple easy to use. You can represent a DNA sequence within the Bio::Sequence::NA class and a protein sequence within the Bio::Sequence::AA class. You can translate DNA sequence into protein sequence with a single method call and can concatenate them with the same method '+' as a String class's.
String to Bio::Sequence object
Simply pass the sequence string to the constructor.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'bio'
# create a DNA sequence object from a String
dna = Bio::Sequence::NA.new("atcggtcggctta")
# create a RNA sequence object from a String
rna = Bio::Sequence::NA.new("auugccuacauaggc")
# create a Protein sequence from a String
aa = Bio::Sequence::AA.new("AGFAVENDSA")
# you can check if the sequence contains illegal characters
# that is not an accepted IUB character for that symbol
# (should prepare a Bio::Sequence::AA#illegal_symbols method also)
puts dna.illegal_bases
# translate and concatenate a DNA sequence to Protein sequence
newseq = aa + dna.translate
puts newseq # => "AGFAVENDSAIGRL"
How can I make an ambiguous Symbol like Y or R?
The IBU defines standard codes for symbols that are ambiguous such as Y to indicate C or T and R to indicate G or C or N to indicate any nucleotide. BioRuby represents these symbols as the same Bio::Sequence::NA object which can be easily converted to Regular expression that matches components of the ambiguous symbols. In turn, Bio::Sequence::NA object can contain symbols matching one or more component symbols that are valid members of the same alphabet as the Bio::Sequence::NA and are therefore capable of being ambiguous.
Generally an ambiguity symbol is converted to a Regexp object by calling the to_re method from the Bio::Sequence::NA that contains the symbol itself. You don't need to make symbol 'Y' by yourself because it is already built in the Bio::NucleicAcid class as a hash named Bio::NucleicAcid::Names.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'bio'
# creating a Bio::Sequence::NA object containing ambiguous alphabets
ambiguous_seq = Bio::Sequence::NA.new("atgcyrwskmbdhvn")
# show the contents and class of the DNA sequence object
p ambiguous_seq # => "atgcyrwskmbdhvn"
p ambiguous_seq.class # => Bio::Sequence::NA
# convert the sequence to a Regexp object
p ambiguous_seq.to_re # => /atgc[tc][ag][at][gc][tg][ac][tgc][atg][atc][agc][atgc]/
p ambiguous_seq.to_re.class # => Regexp
# example to match an ambiguous sequence to the rigid sequence
att_or_atc = Bio::Sequence::NA.new("aty").to_re
puts "match" if att_or_atc.match(Bio::Sequence::NA.new("att"))
if Bio::Sequence::NA.new("atc") =~ att_or_atc
puts "also match"
How do I transcribe a DNA Sequence to a RNA Sequence?
In BioRuby, DNA and RNA sequences are stored in the same Bio::Sequence::NA class just using different Alphabets, you can convert from DNA to RNA or RNA to DNA using the rna or dna methods, respectively.
A lot of the time we see sequence represented as a String of characters eg "atgccgtggcatcgaggcatatagc". It's a convenient method for viewing and succinctly representing a more complex biological polymer. BioJava makes use of SymbolLists and Sequences to represent these biological polyners as Objects. Sequences extend SymbolLists and provide extra methods to store things like the name of the sequence and any features it might have but you can think of a Sequence as a SymbolList.
Within Sequence and SymbolList the polymer is not stored as a String. BioJava differentiates different polymer residues using Symbol objects that come from different Alphabets. In this way it is easy to tell if a sequence is DNA or RNA or something else and the 'A' symbol from DNA is not equal to the 'A' symbol from RNA. The details of Symbols, SymbolLists and Alphabets are covered here. The crucial part is there needs to be a way for a programmer to convert between the easily readable String and the BioJava Object and the reverse. To do this BioJava has Tokenizers that can read a String of text and parse it into a BioJava Sequence or SymbolList object. In the case of DNA, RNA and Protein you can do this with a single method call. The call is made to a static method from either DNATools, RNATools or ProteinTools.
String to SymbolList
import org.biojava.bio.symbol.*;
public class StringToSymbolList {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
//create a DNA SymbolList from a String
SymbolList dna = DNATools.createDNA("atcggtcggctta");
//create a RNA SymbolList from a String
SymbolList rna = RNATools.createRNA("auugccuacauaggc");
//create a Protein SymbolList from a String
SymbolList aa = ProteinTools.createProtein("AGFAVENDSA");
catch (IllegalSymbolException ex) {
//this will happen if you use a character in one of your strings that is
//not an accepted IUB Character for that Symbol.
String to Sequence
import org.biojava.bio.seq.*;
import org.biojava.bio.symbol.*;
public class StringToSequence {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
//create a DNA sequence with the name dna_1
Sequence dna = DNATools.createDNASequence("atgctg", "dna_1");
//create an RNA sequence with the name rna_1
Sequence rna = RNATools.createRNASequence("augcug", "rna_1");
//create a Protein sequence with the name prot_1
Sequence prot = ProteinTools.createProteinSequence("AFHS", "prot_1");
catch (IllegalSymbolException ex) {
//an exception is thrown if you use a non IUB symbol
SymbolList to String
You can call the seqString() method on either a SymbolList or a Sequence to get it's Stringified version.
import org.biojava.bio.symbol.*;
public class SymbolListToString {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SymbolList sl = null;
//code here to instantiate sl
//convert sl into a String
String s = sl.seqString();
If you are using Java for your bioinformatics work, you should consider using Biojava as it saves lot of time in writing codes.
NetBeans 6.5.1
Biojava library
Biojava support library
Step 1 Create a new Java Application in NetBeans.
Step 2 Open the projects windows, right-click Libraries and select "Add JAR/Folder..." and add the two jar files you have downloaded previously in the prerequisites section.
Step 3 Open Main.java and start writing your biojava code. A sample code for reading a PDB file and accessing its contents is shown below(Don't forget to click "Fix Imports" after copying this code to automatically add the required import statements).
String filename = "path/to/pdbfile.pdb" ;
PDBFileReader pdbreader = new PDBFileReader();
// the following parameters are optional:
//the parser can read the secondary structure
// assignment from the PDB file header and add it to the amino acids
// align the SEQRES and ATOM records, default = true
// slows the parsing speed slightly down, so if speed matters turn it off.
// parse the C-alpha atoms only, default = false
// download missing PDB files automatically from EBI ftp server, default = false
Structure struc = pdbreader.getStructure(filename);
GroupIterator gi = new GroupIterator(struc);
while (gi.hasNext()){
Group g = (Group) gi.next();
if ( g instanceof AminoAcid ){
AminoAcid aa = (AminoAcid)g;
Map sec = aa.getSecStruc();
Chain c = g.getParent();
System.out.println(c.getName() + " " + g + " " + sec);
} catch (Exception e) {
From the structure object, you could get the atoms and do calculations on it.
The best place to start learning about the features of Biojava is the Biojava CookBook
Life Science / Bioinformatics Courses in Inida
Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar
BSc & MSc Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Botany
Amity Insitute of Biotechnology - B.Tech Bioinformatics
Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT), Himachal Pradesh - B.Tech Bioinformatics
SASTRA (Deemed University), Thanjavur-B.Tech.(Bioinformatics)
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology- B.Tech Bioinformatics
MSc. Biotechnology, MSc. Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Botany , MSc. Genetics, Forensic sciences, Zoology ,
Pune University - M.Sc Bioinformatics
Sri krishnadevaraya University Anantpur
Jamia Millia Islamia university - M.Sc. in Bio-Informatics (Self-financing)
Banasthali Vidayapith, Rajasthan (University for Women)- M.Sc. in Bio-Informatics
Amity Insitute of Biotechnology MSc Bioinformatics
Sikkim Manipal University - M.Sc in Bioinformatics
SASTRA (Deemed University), Thanjavur-M.Tech.(Bioinformatics)
Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) at Allahabad -M Tech-Bioinformatics
International Institute of Information Technology at Hyderabad -M Tech-Bioinformatics
Bharathiar University - MSc in Bioinformatics
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology- M.Tech Bioinformatics
Bharathidasan university- MSc in Bioinformatics
Periyar University - MSc in Bioinformatics
University of Madras - MSc In Bioinformatics
Sri krishnadevaraya University Anantpur
University of Allahabad-M.Sc in Bioinformatics
Certificate courses/Diploma/Advance Diploma in Bioinformatics
Pune university - Advance diploma in bioinformatics
Ocimum BioSolutions India-Certificate Program in Bioinformatics -Six month Certificate program - Masters level Program
Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamilnadu-Advanced Post graduate Diploma
University of Hyderabad-Post-Graduate Advanced Diploma in Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics Institute of India-Post Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics
Mahatma Gandhi Mission Medical College-Post Graduate Diploma In Bioinoformatics
Pondicherry University-Advanced Post Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics
Postgraduate diploma in bioinformatics offered jointly by IGIB & informatics
PhD (research course)
IMTECH - Protein Science & Engineering
International Institute of Information Technology (IIT), Gachibowli Hyderabad
DNA Sequence Analysis Tools
A career in bioinformatics will offer you excellent long-term career prospects.
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A growing need nationally and internationally for bioinformticians, specially graduates with a good grounding in computer science and software engineering,
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The carrier in bioinformatics is divided into two parts-developing software and using it.
Such individuals will gain employment in national and private research centres As Following
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pharmaceutical companies Like GlaxoWellcome, smithkline, Astro Zencia, Roche .