Bioinformatics - Species Specific Databases
Human mutation resources/databases |
- NAL - AGIS - Access to many plant genome databases at the National Agricultural Library
- Mendel - Plant gene nomenclature database from CPGN
ARS Genome Database Resource (Cornell) ARS Genome Database Resource is primarily a site for communication of Plant Genome data among scientists worldwide. The medium is a set of genome databases, similar to the ones for Human genome mapping and sequencing. They include data about plant genes, chromosome maps, DNA fingerprints, beneficial traits, and crop varieties that possess those traits. TAIR - The Arabidopsis Information Resource MATDB - MIPS Arabidopsis thaliana db TIGR At - TIGR Arabidopsis thaliana db AMPL - Arabidopsis Membrane Protein Library Gramene - A comparative mapping resource for grains RGP - Rice Genome Research Program ChlamyDB - Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genome db Mendel Bioinformatics Group , UK Mendel-ESTS , contains all of the plant EST and STS sequences currently in dbEST and dbSTS (>94,000) related to the sequences, grouped by gene family, in the Gene Family Database . Mendel-GFDb Database of Genes Organized by Families. Now with Pfam, Prosite & TRANSFAC domain information Mendel-CPGN : developinging a common nomenclature for sequenced plant genes Plant Chromatin Database Database for chromatin proteins in plants, including functions and molecular phylogenetic relationships, with initial emphasis on Arabidopsis and maize ZmDB Maize Genome Database Goals include discovering maize genes using EST sequencing and engineered Mu (RescueMu) tagging, and developing new tools to facilitate gene mapping and phenotypic analysis.
Mitochondrian & Chloroplast |
- GOBASE - Organelle Genome Database
- MitoDat - Mendelian Inheritance and the Mitochondrion db (mitochondrial nuclear genes)
- MITOMAP - Human mitochondrial genome db
- MmtDB - Metazoa mitochondrial DNA variants db
- MitBASE - Integrated mitochondrial DNA db
- MitBASE-Pilot - Db of S.cerevisiae nuclear genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis
- HvrBase - Primates mtDNA control region sequences compilation
- MOUSE - Mitochondrial and Other Useful SEquences (human and apes mit. DNA db)
- C.caldarium - Cyanidium caldarium strain RK1 chloroplast genome

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