Writing your first Biojava program using NetBeans in 3 easy steps
If you are using Java for your bioinformatics work, you should consider using Biojava as it saves lot of time in writing codes.
NetBeans 6.5.1
Biojava library
Biojava support library
Step 1 Create a new Java Application in NetBeans.
Step 2 Open the projects windows, right-click Libraries and select "Add JAR/Folder..." and add the two jar files you have downloaded previously in the prerequisites section.
Step 3 Open Main.java and start writing your biojava code. A sample code for reading a PDB file and accessing its contents is shown below(Don't forget to click "Fix Imports" after copying this code to automatically add the required import statements).
String filename = "path/to/pdbfile.pdb" ;
PDBFileReader pdbreader = new PDBFileReader();
// the following parameters are optional:
//the parser can read the secondary structure
// assignment from the PDB file header and add it to the amino acids
// align the SEQRES and ATOM records, default = true
// slows the parsing speed slightly down, so if speed matters turn it off.
// parse the C-alpha atoms only, default = false
// download missing PDB files automatically from EBI ftp server, default = false
Structure struc = pdbreader.getStructure(filename);
GroupIterator gi = new GroupIterator(struc);
while (gi.hasNext()){
Group g = (Group) gi.next();
if ( g instanceof AminoAcid ){
AminoAcid aa = (AminoAcid)g;
Map sec = aa.getSecStruc();
Chain c = g.getParent();
System.out.println(c.getName() + " " + g + " " + sec);
} catch (Exception e) {
From the structure object, you could get the atoms and do calculations on it.
The best place to start learning about the features of Biojava is the Biojava CookBook